Thursday, July 15, 2010

Proactive Security Measures and Child Safety

Summertime and childhood safety coincide, when contemplating their significance, it is understandable how both complement each other and the importance of each bears no inequality. As security consultants charged with the dissemination of appropriate safety and security measures, the safety of children becomes a focal point of great importance. Therefore the methodology of approach toward this sensitive, yet vital topic becomes paramount.

Each and every year county and city municipalities throughout North America provide summer orientated fun and energetic activities for our youth to take part in. These activities serve multiple roles, the education and challenge of the youthful minds to grasp topics that are impactful and engaging. These topics cover a wide range. However, none bear such significance than safety related information that ensues our children achieve a safe and jovial summer. I have elected four areas that we will further elaborate for this blog; Summer Safety, Internet/Online Safety, Community Helpers, and Strangers. While our dialogue only address these topics superficially, nevertheless, their impact is substantial.

Summer Safety: Summer weather introduces conditions that, if not taken seriously, can be detrimental to the youth health. For this reason, we would be contrite not to speak on the crucial role of youth consuming plenty of liquids to stay hydrated. Heat related illnesses are among leading causes for concern among youth. In conjunction with drinking an abundance of fluids, children should always seek shelter in shaded areas. Moreover, wearing loose fitting and light colored clothing is a must to combat very hot and humid days. In addition to the aforementioned, summer safety includes sound decision making. We must instill in our children the ability to walk away from those who would engage in non productive activity that belittles and degradation. They must unstained that it is far greater reward and maturity to avoid scenarios wherein revenge for wrongful words and acts drive their decision making. When such situations occur our youth must rely upon the wisdom of their parents or guardians.

Community Helpers: Each neighborhood has a wealth of individuals from whom our youth can seek assistance and guidance. These community helpers can be found in many venues and occupying professional and individual roles that are impactful. These role include but not limited to; teachers, principals, counselors, police officers, physicians, and nurses. Community Helpers further facilitate and assure summers filled with elation and safety.

Internet/Online Safety: The current generation is far more technologically advanced then their predecessors. As a direct result, today’s youth is more engaged with technology and internet activity. Because of the high volume to which children participate in online use, it behooves us to speak to the need for safety. Identity theft often involves in personal information retrieved via internet scams. Getting parental permission is the first step toward assuring safety. The more parents are involved in youth participation in internet exploration the probability of proactive measures would be enforced. We must enlighten our youth of the dangers of opening and/or replying to email from unknown senders, or participating in chat room/instant messaging again with unknown parties. They should never send photographs, and/or personal information in an online environment. Only respond or invite individuals they have knowledge of.

Stranger Danger: Of the topics we have discussed, the dangers associated with strangers, is truly one of the most impactful. Childhood abductions are very real. The more knowledgeable a child is the more likely proactive measures can prevent a child becoming one more statistic. We not only must enlighten youth regarding the lure techniques employed by child predators, we cannot voice with enough significance the urgency required in addressing this topic. It is critical that we instill in our youth the need to suppress youthful curiosity to venture away from adult supervision. Children should always stay close to acquaintances, relatives and parental approved supervision. Surrounding yourself with friends, even when using public facilities, can act as a deterrent for criminal behavior and/or averting harm’s way. The one true technique for children to utilize when being approached, trapped, or attempt abductions; a child should SHOUT FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!. This act with certainly serve as a deterrent; garnish attention and possibly adult assistance and possibly apprehension.

It is the hopes of Robinson Security Consultancy (RSC) that the dissemination of this material can assist with our youth taking part in a safe and elated summer.

Bernard S. Robinson
Managing Partner, Principal

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