Friday, July 30, 2010

Engendering Staff for Professional Development

The security industry has within its community individuals possessing a passion for its forward progression as a viable business entity. Many of its personnel demonstrate traits and characteristics sought after for leadership roles. As security consultants evaluating a business for its organizational integrity or efficiency, we are charged with assuring the business demonstrates sound practices, the capacity for profitability and encompassing competent leadership to direct its success.

Leadership for many security organizations can be found within its subordinate ranks. The differentiating component for the selection of those personnel exhibiting the capacity is the selection of those staff members with the demonstrated ability for leadership and transitional traits for success as a leader.

“The presentation of your capabilities will yield a harvest of appreciation as to your value.” These words hold significant value for individuals with transitional skills, talents, and abilities that comprehend leadership and the organization’s overall goal. Some people can assume a leadership role more naturally than others. However, we naturally possess these traits that are more adaptive and transitional into this valuable role. The selection process allows us to appreciate those transferable skill sets that can be built upon, and become the catalyst for success.

Continuing development for leadership is not an instantaneous process; to the contrary, this process is ever evolving. This process can span a life time. One of the critical roles that facilitate smooth evolution into leadership is the mentoring by seasoned veterans who bring to the table a married of experiences that will assure success is more attainable. Leadership is not only gained from hands on experience, tutelage and/or mentoring, successful leaders are also those who have gained appreciation of formal education. The knowledge acquired in academia introduces us to the ability to conceptualize, plan and generate solutions through multiple view points. Moreover, formal education continues the maturity of decision making for leaders and learning the application through real world scenarios.

There is no greater reward as a leader than the natural progression of deserving individuals. As upcoming leaders they are sure to encounter scenarios of indecision and times of anxiety for the unknown, however they must gain a since of confidence in their training, their ability to direct and most importantly in the knowledge that others have total confidence in their leadership. This is not an easy process, it will introduce challenges, but the rewards will outweigh the difficulties and generate gratification that is beyond measure. The development of future leaders is extremely important to the security industry. But, what is more important is for organizations to instill in staff members that their development into leadership is a crucial part of the organization’s growth and vital to its success.

Bernard S. Robinson
Managing Director, Principal
Robinson Security Consultancy

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